STEM offerings to get children and young people excited about technology

  • Subject:MINT-Angebote zur Begeisterung von Kindern und Jugendlichen für Technik
  • Type:Bachelor-/ Masterarbeit
  • Date:ab sofort
  • Tutor:

    Lukas Pähler, M. Sc.

  • Zusatzfeld:


Companies are desperately looking for well-trained young people and student numbers in STEM courses are declining; but how can more young people be inspired to take up STEM courses? In a joint project with Cyberforum e.V. and the Karlsruhe City Youth Committee, we are bringing low-threshold, out-of-school STEM offerings to youth centers and childcare facilities to get children and young people between the ages of 10 and 16 excited about technology.


Development of an offer for children and adolescents between 10 and 16 years of age to learn and get excited about technology in a playful way. Materials such as Fischertechnik and a laser cutter are available for a variety of design options. Subsequently, the offer is carried out with children and adolescents and reflected on with regard to further development possibilities.


  • Do you enjoy working with young people?
  • Do you enjoy teaching other people skills?
  • Do you work purposefully, structured and independently?

Then please contact me at lukas.paehler∂