Exam office hours are only prior to exams

You can find appointments here.

Consultation hours during winter semester 2024 / 2025

The MD consultation hours are staffed by a team of tutors and a supporting assistant. For organisational questions, please contact your supervising room assistant directly by e-mail.

The consultation hours from 28.10.2024 - 07.02.2025 are offered and take place in building 10.23 room 404 at the following times:

Monday Friday

13:00 -14:00 Uhr

(Building 10.23; 
Room 404) 

Booking is not necessary

13:00 -14:00 Uhr

(Building 10.23;
Room 404) 

Booking is not necessary







There are no consultation hours at 20.12.24 and during the lecture-free period. (23.12.24 - 06.01.25)