HECTOR School – Technology Business School of the KIT
As director of the extra-occupational master program "Management of Product Development" (MPD) at the HECTOR School of Engineering and Management - the Technology Business School of KIT - Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Albert Albers Albert Albers teaches a wide range of topics related to product development.
Since 2005 the HECTOR School offers successfully part-time executive M.Sc. programs in close cooperation with the industry. Participants benefit from modules that take place parallel to their jobs, small groups, an international environment, and English as a language of teaching. All further education formats deal with new technological developments in the fields of product development, renewable energies, logistics, as well as financial and information technology and mobility. In five of the ten modules, participants gain additional comprehensive management know-how in topics such as international project and innovation management, business and finance models, and data-based information and decision-making. The continuing education thus represents a holistic further qualification in expert and management topics.
Interactive lectures and workshops and project work on a mechatronic system „Pluto“ form the triad of the „Management of Product Development“ program. The case study begins with the analysis of the previous generations of Pluto and other reference products, the determination of requirements, followed by the technical implementation and its validation. The project work is concluded with the presentation of all relevant project results and the autonomous transport of cold beverages.
Further information about the extra-occupational master program „Management of Product Development“ can be found here.
Compact and shorter further education formats are bundled in the HECTOR School Academy and support whole teams and departments in the change process of the digital transformation.
If you have any questions regarding the HECTOR School or the MPD program please contact: info∂hectorschool.com with other questions hector-school∂ipek.kit.edu